As previously stated, we recommend everyone who collects anything to learn their hobby. I will personally attempt to help define each and every piece that we sell. I am not an authenticator, but I can provide an estimated value for items of many types. I am a licensed auctioneer in the state of Indiana which allows me to also provide written and/or oral appraisals for Single Items, Collections and Full Estates. I will do my very best to provide current and/or accurate appraisals for all requested orders. NOBODY can give an absolute guarantee that an artifact, relic or arrowhead is truly ancient unless you are the finder. However, due to the planting of modern relics at historical sites, creeks and rivers, even finding them yourself doesn’t mean the item is actually ancient. There are some experienced collectors and Authenticators who are really good at finding the modern reproductions and/or altered artifacts in a collection. I recommend using one of those individuals to help learn what’s needed to know about the relics you might want to collect. On the same note, there are individuals who are not as skilled or trained in specific materials or origins. In some cases, knowingly or unknowingly, placing an inaccurate written opinion to an artifact. In many artifact collections, there are modern artifacts which have been skillfully aged to look old. Typically, these are easily seen by experienced collectors and Authenticators, however they still may have value. Modern relics will not be nearly as valuable as older ones, but still have their place in this field. Learn them, display those proudly as works of art, but pay for them as for what they are, and likewise pay for the opinion/COA for what it is. I am happy to share my opinions and who I would recommend, but I can only offer that advice when I am speaking directly to you.

Here at MA&A we believe that all COA/opinions have their place. Some opinions are more accurate and more valuable than others. We believe some authenticators are accurate 95% of the time, others may be accurate 50% of the time. But unfortunately, knowingly or unknowingly, there are those who are accurate 1% or less of the time. This is the reason we do not believe in kill letters. Every opinion has a value. If you purchase an item with a COA from someone with a 1% accuracy average, then you should pay for it as if it were a reproduction and not blame others for the chance you took in buying it. For example, you purchase a clovis with a COA and decide to send it for another opinion. That person states the same clovis is not old. Understand, you purchased a clovis with the original COA, not the second opinion that you sought afterwards. Meaning, please do not purchase something hoping someone else will give an added value to the item with their opinion. We will be no part of any arguments between authenticators. While they may be skilled at what they do, they are in fact, opinions.