1. How can I tell if the artifact is truly old and authentic? This is the most common question asked in the artifact community. Sadly, it is nearly impossible to know for sure. Only those who have studied and handled Items from their respected areas of expertise, have the best chance of giving you a 90% to 99% chance of insight. If we do not know the best answer, we will help you find the right person who does.

  2. When do we purchase collections? We will consider every collection and item that you want to sell or consign at any time. Please send an email, text or call and we can make arrangements to discuss further.

  3. Is my collection too small for your Interest? All collections big or small will be considered.

  4. Do you offer Referral or Finders Fee’s? We have tried to help others for the work they put forth to help their friend, but we have found that it usually costs the seller more than it needs to. So, we ask that you request that directly from the friend or original seller to create your own terms regarding any fees to collect.